Join us on a road trip through the TPP portfolio! Pick a customer need, explore the full solutions we provide, and see how our offerings come together to meet their challenges.
Discover everything TPP has to offer,
and let’s navigate it all—together.

ICT Challenge: Future-proof your flexible ICT infrastructure
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“I need a collaborative and connected work environment.”

“I need to ensure business continuity without risks.”

“I need to be available for my customers and I need efficient communication.”

“I need to collect and manage real-time data to come to innovative processes.”
The customer journey
Pick a customer need

Innovate your business
External Communication
Safe & Secure
Internal Collaboration
National, Tailormade & Managed Services
Devices, Public/Private Network & Softwarization
Explore, SDWAN & Security
Internet, BLES & PMIT
Next Gen Mobile
Smart & Secured Connectivity
The customer journey
Pick a customer need

“I need a collaborative and connected work environment.”

“I need to ensure business continuity without risks.”

“I need to be available for my customers and I need efficient communication.”

“I need to collect and manage real-time data to come to innovative processes.”

Safe & Secure
Next Best Offer

Partners are foremost important when looking at fixed connectivity, with partners such as Fortinet, Cisco & Palo Alto Networks. However, in the mobile infrastructure part we consider the 7 MMS partners as important ones, as well as partners Ericsson, Apple, Druid … for the devices/5G possibilities.

Customer successes
We need to stay ahead by staying innovative with regards to our network approach (5G, Quantum …) and by offering absolute and superior network reliability in a customer-centric way.
For both fixed and mobile infrastructure elements, pricing is very much under pressure due to aggressive competition (competitors often have a different cost structure, e.g. Citymesh & Destiny).
Market dynamics
Smart & secured network solutions: from Explore to
SD-WAN, where the focus lies on E2E managed solutions
Customized mobile/data plans, including servicing options, topped with the innovation enabling 5G technology
Simple internet connections vs. managed internet ('we do it for you' = Explore), including PFE
Key solutions
Mobile infrastructure: the best and fastest network, the largest spectrum, and premium services to foster peace of mind
Fixed infrastructure: speed (fiber!), (network) security, smart and flexible and scalable possibilities, E2E managed services, and 24/7 SOC/NOC
We offer
Literally every customer within every vertical can benefit from infrastructure assets (with the exception of SE, which we don’t consider in this exercise). When looking at mobile connectivity, 5G technology tends to target some verticals with specific use cases. Also, mobile and fixed connectivity grow more and more in a complementary (hybrid) mode.
Target customer
EIT – Workplace
VoIP Communication & UC
IoT Connectivity Solutions
Internal Collaboration
Applications, Things & Business Communication

The customer journey
Pick a customer need

“I need a collaborative and connected work environment.”

“I need to ensure business continuity without risks.”

“I need to be available for my customers and I need efficient communication.”

“I need to collect and manage real-time data to come to innovative processes.”

External Collaboration
Safe & Secure
Next Best Offer
Secured SD-WAN (fiber)
Indoor coverage
Mobile plans
Relevant connectivity

In addition to our own portfolio, we work together with partners such as Digital HQ and Airbus to provide solutions that fit customer needs.

Customer successes
We want to connect teams anywhere in a digitally transforming environment, whether that is through on-premise or cloud applications. We also simplify installation of the chosen collaboration tool through API integration.
From small single-solution players who don’t offer the end-to-end portfolio like we do, to worldwide hyperscalers (Microsoft, Google …) entering the national market.
Market dynamics
Business Critical Communication
Practice EIT
Fixed Voice & Unified Communication
Digital HQ
Key solutions
Our collaboration tools are customized to each customer’s unique workflows, processes, and goals to allow for seamless adoption and maximum efficiency.
Customers can rely on round-the-clock, locally-based support that understands their specific requirements.
From initial consultation to deployment and ongoing management, we deliver a full-service solution to facilitate implementation and management of our collaboration tools.
We use APIs for seamless and fast integration with existing systems to enable scalability for mass deployment, reduced downtime and an accelerated time-to-value.
We offer
The public sector, manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics & transport are targeted due to their critical reliance on seamless and secure communication. These verticals share a need for scalable, efficient solutions to address industry-specific challenges and drive operational excellence.
Target customer
EIT – Security
EIT – Cloud
Safe & Secure
The customer journey
Pick a customer need

“I need a collaborative and connected work environment.”

“I need to ensure business continuity without risks.”

“I need to be available for my customers and I need efficient communication.”

“I need to collect and manage real-time data to come to innovative processes.”

External communication
Internal collaboration
Next Best Offer
Security is always included as part of your infrastructure, no matter the type of connectivity.
Relevant connectivity


Customer successes
For cloud, the Benelux region’s focus on digital innovation and the increasing need for scalable and secure IT infrastructure are key factors contributing to the dynamic growth of the cloud services market.
Market dynamics
Professional Services Governance, Management & Operations
Cloud solutions
Private cloud, Public cloud, Hybrid cloud, Sovereign cloud,…
Cybersecurity services
Managed services (Orbit)
Cybersecurity solutions
Network protection, Hybrid cloud protection, Identity protection, …
Key solutions
More than 20 years experience
Team of 350 security professionals
High-availability SOC, operating 24/7, and equipped with the latest advanced technologies
ISO 27001 certification & ISAE SOC2 Type II attestation
Our services easily scale up or down to meet your changing needs
We offer
Businesses, regardless of their industry, rely on secure networks to protect sensitive data and ensure operational continuity.
Target customer

Next Best Offer
Innovation & Data Analytics
VoIP Communication & UC
CPaaS & A2P
External Communication
The customer journey
Pick a customer need

“I need a collaborative and connected work environment.”

“I need to ensure business continuity without risks.”

“I need to be available for my customers and I need efficient communication.”

“I need to collect and manage real-time data to come to innovative processes.”

Applications, Things & Business Communication
Smart SD-WAN (fiber)
Mobile plans
Relevant connectivity


Customer successes
There are new dynamics as cloud adoption rises. Cloudification has introduced more competitors, leading to declining revenues and increasing price pressure. However, opportunities remain, as many customers haven’t yet moved to the cloud. Large global players like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Cisco have also entered the national market, intensifying competition. Additionally, businesses now expect cloud solutions to integrate smoothly with other essential applications like CRM, ERP, and Contact Centers, adding further complexity to the landscape.
Market dynamics
Resilient and Automated Support: Smart Voice and Contact Centers
Customer Engagement: Conversational messaging, Chatbots, Voicemail & automated phone calls
Communication: Fixed Voice, Unified Communication, RCS
Key solutions
Adaptability: flexibility, E2E, fast installation
Reliability: 24/7 local support, emergency services, business continuity
Efficiency: International Voice, Industrialized (scalable for mass deployment), best partners selection
We offer
Target customer
Designed to serve all industry verticals, with a particular focus on healthcare and hospitality. These sectors often require communication systems to stay connected with customers, whether for timely updates, emergency services, or essential support.
Target customer

EIT – Data & AI + Cloud
Innovation, Data Analytics & Digital Media
IoT Connectivity Solutions
Innovate your business
Applications, Things & Business Communication
The customer journey
Pick a customer need

“I need a collaborative and connected work environment.”

“I need to ensure business continuity without risks.”

“I need to be available for my customers and I need efficient communication.”

“I need to collect and manage real-time data to come to innovative processes.”

Next Best Offer
Cloud (EIT)
Relevant connectivity


Customer successes
We position ourselves as a leading trusted advisor and partner who focuses on co-creating solutions with our customers to deliver measurable outcomes. This enables businesses to adapt to evolving market demands while staying resilient and innovative.
Proximus NXT is the market leader with regards to IoT, yet competitors are other telecom operators (national), IoT players (international). Two competitive assets of Proximus NXT: BICS & Codit.
The target audience is highly specialized, with specific needs and requirements unique to their industry or sector. That is why we offer customized, innovative offerings.
Market dynamics
Data Engine, a cloud native dashboard combining location analytics, smart monitoring, safe cities & MyThings
Smart monitoring
MyIOT platform, a self managed & realtime
Key solutions
Flexible, one-stop shop (from connectivity, sensor to dashboard)
Real-time management
Strong links with Digital HQ, safe cities & critical communication
We offer
We aim at verticals such as manufacturing, logistics, utilities and cities, because they face unique challenges that can be addressed through digital transformation. Each vertical has significant potential to leverage innovation for competitive advantage and societal impact.
Target customer

Join us on a road trip through the TPP portfolio! Pick a customer need, explore the full solutions we provide, and see how our offerings come together to meet their challenges.
Discover everything TPP has to offer,
and let’s navigate it all—together.

ICT Challenge: Deliver business foresight through data
“I need to collect and manage real-time data to come to innovative processes.”
ICT Challenge: Enhance customer & employee engagement

“I need to be available for my customers and I need efficient communication.”

“I need to ensure business continuity without risks.”
ICT Challenge: Adopt digital resiliance
ICT Challenge: Build your sustainable workplace

“I need a collaborative and connected work environment.”
read more
ICT Challenge: Future-proof your flexible ICT infrastructure
The customer journey

Customer successes
Mobile infrastructure: the best and fastest network, the largest spectrum, and premium services to foster peace of mind
Fixed infrastructure: speed (fiber!), (network) security, smart and flexible and scalable possibilities, E2E managed services, and 24/7 SOC/NOC
We offer
Secured SD-WAN (fiber)
Indoor coverage
Mobile plans
Relevant Connectivity
Safe & Secure
Next Best Offer
Explore, SDWAN & Security
National, Tailormade & Managed Services
Devices, Public/Private Network & Softwarization
Internet, BLES & PMIT

Partners are foremost important when looking at fixed connectivity, with partners such as Fortinet, Cisco & Palo Alto Networks. However, in the mobile infrastructure part we consider the 7 MMS partners as important ones, as well as partners Ericsson, Apple, Druid … for the devices/5G possibilities.
We need to stay ahead by staying innovative with regards to our network approach (5G, Quantum …) and by offering absolute and superior network reliability in a customer-centric way.
For both fixed and mobile infrastructure elements, pricing is very much under pressure due to aggressive competition (competitors often have a different cost structure, e.g. Citymesh & Destiny).
Market dynamics
Literally every customer within every vertical can benefit from infrastructure assets (with the exception of SE, which we don’t consider in this exercise). When looking at mobile connectivity, 5G technology tends to target some verticals with specific use cases. Also, mobile and fixed connectivity grow more and more in a complementary (hybrid) mode.
Target customer
Smart & secured network solutions: from Explore to
SD-WAN, where the focus lies on E2E managed solutions
Customized mobile/data plans, including servicing options, topped with the innovation enabling 5G technology
Simple internet connections vs. managed internet ('we do it for you' = Explore), including PFE
Key solutions

Customer successes
Our collaboration tools are customized to each customer’s unique workflows, processes, and goals to allow for seamless adoption and maximum efficiency.
Customers can rely on round-the-clock, locally-based support that understands their specific requirements.
From initial consultation to deployment and ongoing management, we deliver a full-service solution to facilitate implementation and management of our collaboration tools.
We use APIs for seamless and fast integration with existing systems to enable scalability for mass deployment, reduced downtime and an accelerated time-to-value.
We offer
Secured SD-WAN (fiber)
Indoor coverage
Mobile plans
Relevant connectivity
External Collaboration
Safe & Secure
Next Best Offer
EIT – Workplace
VoIP Communication & UC
IoT Connectivity Solutions
Internal Collaboration

In addition to our own portfolio, we work together with partners such as Digital HQ and Airbus to provide solutions that fit customer needs.
We want to connect teams anywhere in a digitally transforming environment, whether that is through on-premise or cloud applications. We also simplify installation of the chosen collaboration tool through API integration.
From small single-solution players who don’t offer the end-to-end portfolio like we do, to worldwide hyperscalers (Microsoft, Google …) entering the national market.
Market dynamics
The public sector, manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics & transport are targeted due to their critical reliance on seamless and secure communication. These verticals share a need for scalable, efficient solutions to address industry-specific challenges and drive operational excellence.
Target customer
Business Critical Communication
Practice EIT
Fixed Voice & Unified Communication
Digital HQ
Key solutions
More than 20 years experience
Team of 350 security professionals
High-availability SOC, operating 24/7, and equipped with the latest advanced technologies
ISO 27001 certification & ISAE SOC2 Type II attestation
Our services easily scale up or down to meet your changing needs
We offer
Security is always included as part of your infrastructure, no matter the type of connectivity.
Relevant connectivity
Internal collaboration
Next Best Offer
EIT – Cloud
Safe & Secure

Customer successes

Move to the cloud
Simplify with API integration
Connect teams anywhere in a digitally-transforming environment
For cloud, the Benelux region’s focus on digital innovation and the increasing need for scalable and secure IT infrastructure are key factors contributing to the dynamic growth of the cloud services market.
Market dynamics
Businesses, regardless of their industry, rely on secure networks to protect sensitive data and ensure operational continuity.
Target customer
Professional Services Governance, Management & Operations
Cloud solutions
Private cloud, Public cloud, Hybrid cloud, Sovereign cloud,…
Cybersecurity services
Managed services (Orbit)
Cybersecurity solutions
Network protection, Hybrid cloud protection, Identity protection, …
Key solutions

Customer successes
Adaptability: flexibility, E2E, fast installation
Reliability: 24/7 local support, emergency services, business continuity
Efficiency: International Voice, Industrialized (scalable for mass deployment), best partners selection
We offer
Relevant connectivity
Smart SD-WAN (fiber)
Mobile plans
Next Best Offer
EIT – Workplace
VoIP Communication & UC
CPaaS & A2P
External Communication

There are new dynamics as cloud adoption rises. Cloudification has introduced more competitors, leading to declining revenues and increasing price pressure. However, opportunities remain, as many customers haven’t yet moved to the cloud. Large global players like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Cisco have also entered the national market, intensifying competition. Additionally, businesses now expect cloud solutions to integrate smoothly with other essential applications like CRM, ERP, and Contact Centers, adding further complexity to the landscape.
Market dynamics
Designed to serve all industry verticals, with a particular focus on healthcare and hospitality. These sectors often require communication systems to stay connected with customers, whether for timely updates, emergency services, or essential support.
Target customer
Resilient and Automated Support: Smart Voice and Contact Centers
Customer Engagement: Conversational messaging, Chatbots, Voicemail & automated phone calls
Communication: Fixed Voice, Unified Communication, RCS
Key solutions

Customer successes
Flexible, one-stop shop (from connectivity, sensor to dashboard)
Real-time management
Strong links with Digital HQ, safe cities & critical communication
We offer
Cloud (EIT)
Relevant connectivity
Next Best Offer
EIT – Data & AI + Cloud
Innovation, Data Analytics & Digital Media
IoT Connectivity Solutions
Innovate your business

We position ourselves as a leading trusted advisor and partner who focuses on co-creating solutions with our customers to deliver measurable outcomes. This enables businesses to adapt to evolving market demands while staying resilient and innovative.
Proximus NXT is the market leader with regards to IoT, yet competitors are other telecom operators (national), IoT players (international). Two competitive assets of Proximus NXT: BICS & Codit.
The target audience is highly specialized, with specific needs and requirements unique to their industry or sector. That is why we offer customized, innovative offerings.
Market dynamics
We aim at verticals such as manufacturing, logistics, utilities and cities, because they face unique challenges that can be addressed through digital transformation. Each vertical has significant potential to leverage innovation for competitive advantage and societal impact.
Target customer
Business Critical Communication
Data Engine, a cloud native dashboard combining location analytics, smart monitoring, safe cities & MyThings
Smart monitoring
MyIOT platform, a self managed & realtime